[Live-devel] Problem with H264VideoRTPSink to VLC

gaoxin gx at hztrinet.com
Sun May 29 20:23:28 PDT 2016


  I'am a beginner to use Live555, so my problem maybe quite simple. I have
read Live555 FAQ and searched on google . Finally I have to post a message
to maillist for help.

I try to receive H.264 stream from IP camera, and send it to VLC on anther
host. VLC is open URL "rtp://@:12345".

  Notice that openRTSP doing the same thing but output data into file using
H264VideoFileSink class, I replace that part of code:


if (strcmp(subsession->mediumName(), "video") == 0) {

    if (strcmp(subsession->codecName(), "H264") == 0) {

      // For H.264 video stream, we use a special sink that adds 'start

      // and (at the start) the SPS and PPS NAL units:

      //fileSink = H264VideoFileSink::createNew(*env, outFileName,

            //            subsession->fmtp_spropparametersets(),

            //            fileSinkBufferSize, oneFilePerFrame);


      char const* outputAddressStr = ""; // this could also be

      struct in_addr outputAddress;

      outputAddress.s_addr = our_inet_addr(outputAddressStr);


      const Port outputPort(12345);

      unsigned char const outputTTL = 255;


      Groupsock outputGroupsock(*env, outputAddress, outputPort, outputTTL);

      rtpSink = H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(*env, &outputGroupsock, 96);






subsession->sink = rtpSink;





The result is that openRTSP is running and VLC received nothing. I used
Wireshark to check, no packet sent to destination IP and port.

I also try testMP3Streamer, replace multicast address with the unicast
address aboved. VLC could play it.

  Could anybody give me some sugestions?




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