[Live-devel] Regarding Incomplete packet reads for RTCP packets in interleaved streaming(RTP/RTCP over TCP)

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Fri Sep 30 04:43:09 PDT 2016

> We are using the Live555 streaming software for streaming Audio/Video in one of 
> applications. We use the RTP/RTCP over TCP streaming mode(interleaved RTSP).
> We have added some logs for letting us know of incomplete packet reads in the RTCP Instance and we see a lot of incomplete reads happening. 

Are you referring to the warning messages:
	RTCPInstance error: Hit limit when reading incoming packet over TCP. Increase "maxRTCPPacketSize” 

Those messages indicate that the RTCP transmitter is using an erroneous implementation of RTP/RTCP-over-TCP.

If the warning message is printed by your RTSP *client* (e.g., VLC), then it suggests that your RTSP server may be using a (very) old version of the “LIVE555 Streaming Media” software.  If your RTSP server is using our software, then please upgrade it to use the latest version; see
If your RTSP server is an embedded system (such as a network camera) that uses our software, then note that it is a condition of the LGPL license that it be possible to upgrade its firmware to use the latest version of our software.  Please inform the manufacturer of this server of this.

If the warning message is printed by your RTSP *server*, then it suggests that your RTSP client may be using a (very) old version of the “LIVE555 Streaming Media” software.  If your RTSP client is VLC, then you are running a very old version.  Please upgrade (see <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/>).

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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