[Live-devel] Redirection of a stream from a "source Camera IP1" using a "Restreamer/Recorder IP2" to a "Displayer IP3"

Ismail OUCHATTI iouchatti at otonomy-aviation.com
Mon Feb 6 07:40:08 PST 2017

Hello everyone;

Sorry for my last undetailled emails, I hope this one is better & sorry for my english.

My situation is :

a. Stream from a "source Camera IP1" H264 stream encapsulated in mpeg2ts format  : the camera ip address is, The streame is unicast and the only destination is on its 5444 rtpPort. This stream is not visible for IP3.

b. Calculator that record or restream to a displayer : "Restreamer/Recorder IP2" the recorder restreamer IP address is

c.  Screen "Displayer IP3" and the displayer ipAdress is :

Do you know if that is possible to only forward the camera stream without doing any processing juste something that can allow me to launch a commande like : 

live555_Restreamer -inpute rtp://  -output  rtp://

Thank you in advance;

Ismail Ouchatti, 
Best regards

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