[Live-devel] Live555 for Windows as DLL (LGPL)

Sergio Basurco sergio.b at coherentsynchro.com
Wed Feb 15 03:07:14 PST 2017

Hi Ross,

Yes, my apologies. I meant Windows shared libraries are not supported.

I'm struggling with the Visual Studio part now and it seems possible to
avoid adding the non-standard decorations, and still get a shared
windows library...I'll let you know if I succeed in case you consider it
a good addition to the source.

Cygwin may also work, I'm just assuming several other companies have
used either Cygwin or other tools to produce a windows DLL. In case
building as windows DLL required any change in Live555 I also assume
those changes are now also LGPL (or GPL). Even if they don't require
changes, build instructions are also required by LGPL. Thus, they should
be available and provided if requested by any user.

My point being that it's very likely that there are Live555 LGPL
compliant Windows deployments, and probably at least one of those could
be merged to LiveMedia provided that it does not containt non-standard
crap. If this happened, would you consider merging such changes to Live?

Saludos / Best regards,

*Sergio Basurco*
Coherent Synchro

On 15/02/2017 10:23, Ross Finlayson wrote:
>> I know LiveMedia does not support builds as a shared library.
> That’s not true at all.  Notice that we have a “config.linux-with-shared-libraries” configuration file.  This lets you compile the code - for Linux - so that it will use shared libraries.  (We make this possible precisely because of the LGPL license.)
> People are welcome to develop and use configuration files that make it possible to use shared libraries with other OSs.
> Some people, however, have said that they cannot use our code with shared libraries, on Windows, using Microsoft Visual Studio, unless they modify the code by adding lots of non-standard Microsoft-specific crap (to function definitions, etc.).  Although you might be able to find ’third parties' who have modified the code in this way, we will not be doing this ourself - because it should not have been necessary.  (Also we would not, of course, support such ‘third party’ code.)
> One alternative - if you still want to use Windows - might be for you to use the “Cygwin” environment:
> 	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cygwin
> I think you can probably use this to build the code as if you were on a Linux system - e.g., using the "config.linux-with-shared-libraries” configuration file.
> Ross Finlayson
> Live Networks, Inc.
> http://www.live555.com/
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