[Live-devel] MP4 Video Startup Issue

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Thu Aug 23 12:44:14 PDT 2018

The problem here is probably that the stream from your camera is not including I-frames (i.e., ‘key’ frames, consisting of complete pictures) often enough.  The captured MP4 file won’t be able to show anything until it sees the first (complete) I-frame.

So, I suggest decreasing the “I-frame interval” in each stream that you want to capture.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these streams will be very sensitive to network packet loss.  Each I-frame will take up many RTP packets, and if even one of these RTP packets gets lost on the network, the whole I-frame will be unusable.  So, you might also want to play around with decreasing your stream’s bit rate.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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