[Live-devel] Using testRTSP functionnalities in a project

Kateline Driessens kd at medatec.be
Wed Aug 28 00:42:21 PDT 2019

Hi all,
I would like to use openRTSP in a project but I'd like to keep it really simple.
I'd like to start a recording of a mp4 file from a RTSP stream and then stop it whenever I want (not using the -d option to specify a recording duration).
For the first part I simply use system() in my code with the correct RTSP options and it works fine: connection to the RTSP stream and recording of file is ok. However, I have to use the -d option, otherwise there is no way (that I could find?) to properly terminate the streaming and recording.
Is there a way as simple as a system() call with an appropriate command to terminate the recording?

If not, this means that I will have to create a whole project with the libraries and the function of the testRTSPClient.cpp example (no fundamental problem, it's just that it'll take longer).
For that option, how do I need to include all the files? I work on Qt. I added all the libraries to my project (-lBasicUsageEnvironment, -l groupsock, -lliveMedia, -lUsageEnvironment) but the project doesn't compile.
Do I need to add the .hh files in BasicUsageEnvironment/include, groupsock/include, etc in the project as well and include them ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance,

Kateline Driessens
Development Engineer    MEDATEC
Rue Auguste Latour, 110
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