Use of fTCPStreams

Saurabh Modi saurabh.modi at
Tue Dec 31 07:30:24 PST 2019


Thanks for the quick response........
I have not modified live555 code. I am going through the sending logic over
tcp in live555 library. I found the below code in RTPInterface.cpp file.

Boolean RTPInterface:sendPacket(unsigned char* packet, unsigned packetsize)
Boolean success = True;
if(!fGS->output(env(), packet, packetSize)) success = False;
tcpStreamRecord* nextStream;
for(tcpStreamRecord* stream=fTCPStreams; stream != NULL; stream =
nextStream) {
nextStream = stream->fNext;
if(!sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP(packet, packetSize,
stream->fStreamSocketNum, stream->fStreamChanelId)) {
success =False;
return success;

>From above logic, " sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP" function will be called for
each socket of " fTCPStreams".
" sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP" sends the same packet for each of the "
fTCPStreams ".

*In which condition same RTP/RTCP packet needs to be sent to each
socket(fTCPStreams)? or*
*What is the use case of same RTP/RTCP packet needs to be sent to each
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