[Live-devel] (no subject)

dan at maybefishing.net dan at maybefishing.net
Tue Jun 30 03:50:54 PDT 2020

Hi All,

As can be seen in the code below I'm reading a piped h264 stream via stdin and it works fine, that is if there is a connection open to read the stream before the application writing the h264 stream hasn't timed out. My question is how can I get the below code to stop stalling the parent process? Normally you'd set the non blocking parameter on the stdin device to prevent this but I can't see any way to access that. Is there a parameter I can set somewhere to keep reading the piped data to prevent the stall or do I need to start another process locally to consume the stream to prevent a stall condition?

Kind Regards,


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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// Copyright (c) 1996-2013, Live Networks, Inc.  All rights reserved
// A test program that demonstrates how to stream - via unicast RTP
// - various kinds of file on demand, using a built-in RTSP server.
// main program

#include "liveMedia.hh"
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment.hh"

UsageEnvironment* env;

// To make the second and subsequent client for each stream reuse the same
// input stream as the first client (rather than playing the file from the
// start for each client), change the following "False" to "True":
Boolean reuseFirstSource = True;

// To stream *only* MPEG-1 or 2 video "I" frames
// (e.g., to reduce network bandwidth),
// change the following "False" to "True":
Boolean iFramesOnly = True;

static void announceStream(RTSPServer* rtspServer, ServerMediaSession* sms,
			   char const* streamName, char const* inputFileName); // fwd

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  // Begin by setting up our usage environment:
  TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
  env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

  UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDB = NULL;
  // To implement client access control to the RTSP server, do the following:
  authDB = new UserAuthenticationDatabase;
  authDB->addUserRecord("username1", "password1"); // replace these with real strings
  // Repeat the above with each <username>, <password> that you wish to allow
  // access to the server.

  // Create the RTSP server:
  RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554, authDB);
  if (rtspServer == NULL) {
    *env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";

  char const* descriptionString = "Session streamed by \"testRTSPServer\"";

  // Set up each of the possible streams that can be served by the
  // RTSP server.  Each such stream is implemented using a
  // "ServerMediaSession" object, plus one or more
  // "ServerMediaSubsession" objects for each audio/video substream.

  // A H.264 video elementary stream:
    char const* streamName = "h264";
    //char const* inputFileName = "test.264";
    char const* inputFileName = "stdin";

    ServerMediaSession* sms = ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, streamName, descriptionString);

    sms->addSubsession( H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession ::createNew(*env, inputFileName, reuseFirstSource));


    announceStream(rtspServer, sms, streamName, inputFileName);	// not needed just for better diagnostic

  // Also, attempt to create a HTTP server for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.
  // Try first with the default HTTP port (80), and then with the alternative HTTP
  // port numbers (8000 and 8080).

  if (rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(80) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8000) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8080)) {
    *env << "\n(We use port " << rtspServer->httpServerPortNum() << " for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.)\n";
  } else {
    *env << "\n(RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling is not available.)\n";

  env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return

  return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning

static void announceStream(RTSPServer* rtspServer, ServerMediaSession* sms,
			   char const* streamName, char const* inputFileName) {
  char* url = rtspServer->rtspURL(sms);
  UsageEnvironment& env = rtspServer->envir();
  env << "\n\"" << streamName << "\" stream, from the file \""
      << inputFileName << "\"\n";
  env << "Play this stream using the URL \"" << url << "\"\n";
  delete[] url;

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