[Live-devel] Sink dies after 17 min and 53 sec

Lutz Fiebach lutz at fiebach.de
Tue Jun 18 12:47:14 PDT 2024

Hi live555 Team,

I am working in a free project that provides an open source operating system for ingenic soc based wifi cameras.
We use the live555 libraries to deliver the streams via RTSP. To support multiple parallel streams, we have created a DeviceSource based on the FramedSource.
The device source has a queue, which is filled via a callback function. An eventTriggerId is used to signal that new data has been provided.
At this point there is a strange problem and we hope that you can give us a tip as to what could be causing this behavior.
Exactly after 17 minutes and 53 seconds the video stream stops and the function isCurrentlyAwaitingData only returns false.
This suggests that getNextFrame is no longer being called.

During the first 17:53 minutes the data stream is performant and stable, there are no drops. Even if 10 clients are connected, each one gradually terminates at 17:53 (1074 seconds).

Do you have any idea or hint what could causing such behavior?

Here is a link to the code (it currently contains a lot of debug output):

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